New Opportunities

So my life has been a clusterfuck the last month. 
My depression has made getting out pf bed nearly impossible some days. The stress of just existing was more than I could bare. Yet I stuck through this rouch patch. 

I have been given the opportunity to be a beta reader/reviewed for a book by Interlude Press that is coming out soon. So thats exciting, antcipate that in the near future. I also found a community on instagram and youtube devoted to day planning and organization, which has helped me focus on something. 
Also for the month of June I am commiting to the #listersgottalist challenge by The Reset Girl on insta, gives me focus and a creative project to work on. 
 I should be working on my costumes for Ai-kon (my local anime convention) since it is in mid July, I have finished Honey Lemon and planned on two others but that may not happen. We shall see.

Hope your day is lovely,
:)  Kat D. 


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